There are a few issues with the LPG injector that can be easily diagnosed. First check the 5A fuse next to the injector, this will determine if the injector may be shorted internally. Next, unplug the injector and check for power and ground at the harness side of the connector. If it is near freezing outside, I have seen the injector get stuck and a light tap will help free it up.
The battery can be disconnected for more than one minute and the E35 will be cleared if there is no real problem with the injector. Remember to reset the clock after disconnecting the battery.
Testing Procedures
1. Measure the resistance between the Terminals 1 and 2.
Resistance: approximately 1 ohm.
2. Remove the Fuse Cover and check if the Fuse is not blown.
Make sure Terminals 1 and 2 are isolated from the Injector Body without any short circuit.
The connector pins at the ECM are pins 119 and 120
Do not apply any voltage to the Injector, the voltage to the injector is pulsed and a constant voltage can damage the injector.